Anemoi Street View

ANEMOI STREET VIEW is a piece inspired by the memories of the sea and the tactile sensations that sunlight, wind, and water can evoke on the skin.
Central to this piece is the music of David Peña Dorantes, which transports us to a magical paradise. With flamenco piano, deep and virtuosic, his music offers a personal, contemporary, and imaginative perspective. The sonic landscape is further enriched by the sound of castanets and the urban backdrop—a passing train, a chirping bird, or the gentle flow of fountain water.
ANEMOI STREET VIEW brings Spanish dance to the streets, sharing with the audience a tapestry of emotions—freedom, happiness, power, and fulfillment—woven through its immensely creative and boundless language. Rooted in Spanish tradition, this dance form continually evolves, bridging nature with the urban and the spiritual with the earthly. Traditional elements like castanets and the Spanish cape juxtapose with gender-neutral costumes and unconventional performance spaces, adding depth and contrast to the experience.

Direction and choreography: Esther Tablas
Music: David Peña Dorantes
· Laura Fúnez
· Ana del Rey
· José Ángel Capel

Costumes: Carmen Granel
Photography: marcosGpunto
Production: Rajatabla Producciones S.L